

What are 2 primes whose sum is 5?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are 2 primes whose sum is 5?
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What are the three smallest primes whose sum is a prime number?

3, 5 and 11

Is the sum of prime numbers cannot be a prime?

Not true. 2 + 3 = 5, where all three are primes. One of the primes in the sum must be 2, otherwise both primes would be odd and their sum would be even (and >2) and therefore not prime. Such primes: p and p+2 [3 and 5 in the above example] are known as twin primes and there are infiitely many twin primes.

Prime that is the sum and difference of two primes?

5 is the answer 2+3=5 7-2=5

The sum of the primes below 10?

It is: 2+3+5+7 = 17

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2 + 3 = 5 7 - 2 = 5 The number is 5.

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Sure. All composite numbers can be written as a product of primes. It shouldn't be tough to find a composite number that's the sum of three other composite numbers. Let's try 30. 2 x 3 x 5 = 30 Product of primes, check. 6 (2 x 3) + 10 (2 x 5) + 14 (2 x 7) = 30 Sum of three products of primes, check.

Prime number that is the sum and difference between two primes?

3 + 2 = 5 = 7 - 2

The only prime that is the sum and differences of two primes?

52+3=5 and 7-2=5

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5 and -3

What are two prime numbers whose difference is 2?

They are known as twin primes. 3 and 5 5 and 7

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2 + 3 = 5

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