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Q: What are 3-5 examples of sediments?
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They are known as sediments, and examples includes, levees and Moraines.

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What are the three types of the ocean floor sediments?

The three types of ocean floor sediments are Terrigenous, Biogenous, and Hydrogenous sediments.

What is the difference between sediments in the outwash and sediments in the moraines?

Sediments that are in outwash are sorted sediments, organized by size, while sediments that are in moraine are unsorted.

What type of rock is made slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved minerals?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved minerals?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved mineral's?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolving minerals?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.