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Q: What are 3-5 examples of sediments?
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What are examples of sediments?


What are examples of ice age sediments?

Examples of ice age sediments include till, glacial erratic rocks, moraines, and outwash plains. These sediments were deposited by glaciers during the last ice age and can be found in regions that were once covered by ice sheets.

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What is the chemical sediments?

Chemical sediments are sedimentary rocks that form from the precipitation of minerals dissolved in water. These minerals accumulate on the ocean floor or in lakes through processes like evaporation or chemical reactions. Common examples of chemical sediments include limestone, gypsum, and halite.

What type of rocks are formed when sediments are compacted over time?

Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments are compacted over time. Examples include sandstone, limestone, and shale.

How do hydrogenous sediments form?

Hydrogenous sediments form when minerals precipitate directly from seawater as a result of chemical reactions or biological processes. For example, manganese nodules and phosphorite deposits are examples of hydrogenous sediments that form in this way in the deep sea. These sediments accumulate slowly over time on the ocean floor.

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Which layer of rock formed from sediments deposited on land?

The layer of rock formed from sediments deposited on land is called sedimentary rock. This type of rock forms from the accumulation and compression of sediments, such as sand, silt, and clay, over long periods of time. Examples of sedimentary rocks include sandstone, shale, and limestone.

What are the three types of the ocean floor sediments?

The three types of ocean floor sediments are Terrigenous, Biogenous, and Hydrogenous sediments.

What type of rock is made slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved minerals?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.

What type of rock is made up of slowly buried sediments that were later cemented together by dissolved?

Sedimentary rock is formed from sediments are piled on top of one another, then compacted and cemented into rocks. Sandstone and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks.