

What are 5 words to know what perimeter is?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are 5 words to know what perimeter is?
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If you know the perimeter of a square can you find the area?

Yes. Take the perimeter and divide by 4 to get the length of one side. Take that number and multiply it by itself and that's the area. ex. Perimeter = 20, then one side = 20/4= 5. Area = 5*5= 25.

What is the perimeter of a 5cm square?

Perimeter = sum of all side lengths. For a square, s1 = s2 ... = s4, so Perimeter = 5+5+5+5 = 4(5) = 20cm

Perimeter of a square with 1.25 sides?

Perimeter is 5.

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4+4+5+5=18= perimeter

What is the perimeter of a regular pentagon with a side length of 7.2 cm?

we know that regular pentagon has 5 equilateral triangle . now ,perimeter of pentagon = 5 Xside . now,perimeter of a regular pentagon with a side length of 7.2 cm . perimeter = 7.2 X 5 =36 cm .

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle when the perimeter is 177?

If you know the perimeter, there is no need to find it again.

What is the perimeter of a regular pentagon with sides of 5Cm?

Perimeter = 5*5 = 25 cm

What formula expresses the perimeter of a rectangle in terms of its length?

The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is: p = 2(l + w) In other words, just add all four sides. You can't calculate the perimeter of the rectangle if you know only the length.

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What is the perimeter of a pentgon?

If you know one side you know the perimeter which is the whole thing around it.

What is the perimeter of a circle with a circumference of 5?

circumference means perimeter of a circle. So it's 5.

What words start with peri?

Perimeter and Peri-gramPeriscopePeritoneum.