you have to be 16 to drive
You have to be 16 to get a drivers licence.
The number 16 is when you can drive and have a sweet 16 with your buddies and have a crazy party. It's the time when you become a man.
that 16 is a square number. caterpillars have 16 legs. at sixteen years of age people usually ghave a sweet 16. you have to be 16 to get your drivers license.
You have to be 16 to get a drivers license. some 16 year old teens have a sweet 16 birthday party.
1. It's a perfect square
How about 24 = 42 (=16) that and ladies get more respondsible and it is Ike the best year for girls
it is an even number it is composite number it is a square number it is a number between 10 and 100 it has factors and multiples and it has a prime factorization.................................
Its a composite number. It is sweet:) ha ha You get to have an awesome b-day when you are that age It has a one It has a six By Shan542000
Well, 16 is 24 when expressed in exponents.It's a square and and a fourth power number too. (42 and 24)If you look at 16 upside-down, it looks like 91.
Surfside 6 - 1960 Facts on the Fire 1-16 was released on: USA: 16 January 1961
he had 16 kids