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1 Zero is a circular 2D shape.

2 Zero is an integer in its own right.

3 Zero degrees is when water freezes at Centigrade.

4 Zero degrees Celsius is equivalent to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

5 Zero originated from the Indian sub-continent.

6 Zero was used by the ancient Mayans but looked quite differently.

7 Zero is needed for positional place value purposes.

8 Zero is an even integer between two odd integers.

9 Zero is the only even number not divisible by 2.

10 Zero as a power of a number reduces it to 1.

11 Zero and 1 are only needed in the binary system.

12 Zero as a Roman numeral is N but was never needed.

13 Zero is essential in the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

14 Zero is neither a prime or composite number.

15 Zero is neither a rational or an irrational number.

16 Zero divided by itself is impossible.

17 Zero increased by any power remains the same.

18 Zero is greater than any minus number but less than any positive number.

19 Zero bearings are at due North.

20 Zero is sometimes called nought, null or nothing.

21 Zero hour is now and it's time for one to blast off!

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