

What are all the numbers that have two as a factor?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Even numbers

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Q: What are all the numbers that have two as a factor?
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Is two a factor?

It can be. Two is a factor of all even numbers.

Do all even numbers have two as a factor?

Yes. All even numbers have 2 as a factor.

How is two a factor of 42?

Since two is a factor of all even numbers, it is a factor of 42.

Why is the gcf of any two even numbers always even?

All even numbers have two as a factor. Any two even numbers have (at the least) two as a common factor. That means the GCF of any two even numbers will have two as a factor. Any number that has two as a factor is even.

Is two a factor of even odd or whole?

Two is a factor of all even numbers.

What number has 2 as a factor?

All even numbers have two as a factor.

What is the greatest common factor for 12?

You need at least two numbers to find a GCF. There cannot be a greatest common factor if there are not at least two numbers to compare. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers have in common - the largest factor that they all share.

Do all even numbers have two as the factor?


Why is the greatest common factor of two numbers sometimes 1?

All numbers have a common factor of 1. Sometimes that's the only common factor.

Why cant two even numbers have a gcf of 1?

Because all even numbers have two as a factor.

What is the greatest common factor for 28?

There cannot be a greatest common factor if there are not at least two numbers to compare. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers have in common - the largest factor that they all share.

What is the greatest common factor for 712?

There cannot be a greatest common factor if there are not at least two numbers to compare. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers have in common - the largest factor that they all share.