

Best Answer

1 It is a 2 dimensional shape with 4 sides

2 It belongs to the class of polygons known as quadrilaterals

3 It looks like a skewed over square

4 It has 2 acute and 2 obtuse interior angles

5 Its interior angles add up to 360 degrees

6 Its 4 exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

7 Its opposite angles are equal

8 Its adjacent angles are supplementary

9 It has 2 diagonals of different lengths

10 Its diagonals are perpendicular

11 It has 4 equal sides

12 It can be made into 2 congruent isosceles triangles

13 It can be changed into 4 right angle triangles

14 It can be used in conjunction with Pythagoras' theorem

15 It has an area which is its length times its altitude

16 It has a perimeter which is the sum of its sides

17 It can tessellate

18 It has 2 lines of symmetry

19 It has rotational symmetry in the order of 2

20 It is possible to find any of its properties given only an exterior angle and a particular dimension

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Q: What are at least facts and features of a rhombus?
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2 featurs of a rhombus

What are the features of a rhombus?

A rhombus has several features. its diagonals will bisect its opposite angles, and the opposite angles will measure equally.

What are facts about rhombus?

Its all equal

Is every rhombus a suare?

No. A rhombus is only a square if the rhombus contains at least 1 right angle.

What rhombus have rotational symestry?

A rhombus which has at least one angle a right angle (i.e. a square which is a special type of rhombus)

Does a rhombus with at least one right angle have to be a square?

it wouldn't be a rhombus if it had a right angle.

What are two features of a rhombus?

it is a slanted square and it has no right angles

What features does a rhombus have?

A rhombus is a polygon that has four sides that are all the same length. It is a common type of quadrilateral and is often called a diamond.

Is a rhombus with at least one right angle a square?


What are facts about a rhombus?

A rhombus is a polygon. A rhombus is a 4 sided shape and an 'equilateral quadrilateral' (all sides are the same length). Opposite angles are equal in a rhombus. A rhombus can tessellate. A rhombus has two lines of symmetry, joining its opposite corners. A rhombus also has rotational symmetry. A kite is a rhombus, and has rotational symmetry of both 180 degrees as well as 360 degrees, A rhombus is not a regular polygon as all angles have to be congruent for it to be classed as regular.

Does a rhombus have at least 1 set of para llel lines?

A rhombus has 2 pairs of equal opposite parallel sides

What is a parallelogram with at least two consecutive congruent sides?

It is a rhombus.