A decimal "to the hundredths" stops two value places after the decimal point.
Here are some examples:
Decimal to the hundredths: 1.09
Decimal to the thousandths: 1.009
Decimal to the ten thousandths: 1.0009
fifteen hundredths in decimals = 0.015
Three hundredths in decimals is represented as 0.03.
6 hundredths in decimals is expressed as 0.06.
To write out fifty hundredths in decimals, you would write it as 0.50
how many decimals in hundredths round to 0.5
58 hundredths is 0.58
6.90 (six and ninety hundredths)
29 hundredths is 0.29
thirty-five-hundredths = 0.35
23 hundredths is 0.23
0.04 is.