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they are useful for swimming

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Q: What are ducks feet and falcons feet useful for?
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Do falcons have webbed feet?

No. They have talons. Seriously, webbed feet are only found in birds that swim in the water, while falcons are known for flying at high speeds, not for swimming.

Are ducks raptors?

No. Ducks are waterfowl. Raptors are birds of prey like eagles, hawks and falcons.

Why are webbed useful to water bird?

Webbed feet have a bigger surface area which helps the ducks swim faster.

What are Falcons feet for?

to kill their prey with their feet

What names are webbed feet animals?

mostly ducks have webbed feet

How does the shape of a ducks feet help the duck?

The ducks feet are the way the are for swimming purposes.

What are falcons feet used for?

to kill their prey with their feet

What do peregine falcons eat?

Mainly medium sized birds like pigeons, grouse, ducks.

Why do ducks have long feet?

They have big, webbed feet to swim easier and faster.

What do the falcons feet do?

pick up its prey

What are duck feet called?

Webbed feet

What kind of feet do peguins have?

penguins have webbed like feet like ducks because it helps them swim