Football fields
Liters are a unit of measurement for volume in the metric system. Examples of things that can be measured in liters include liquids such as water, milk, and gasoline. It can also be used to measure the volume of containers like bottles and tanks. Additionally, liters can measure the capacity of swimming pools, reservoirs, and other large bodies of liquid.
You can measure anything in degrees Celsius that you can in Fahrenheit.
This is impossible to answer.A liter is a measure of volume;A kilometer is a measure of length.Length and volume measure different things.
your toes your hair and your dignity
your toes your hair and your dignity
The mass of insects, paper clips.
The volume of just about anything.
Width of A violin string
None. An centimetre is a measure of distance while a litre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and according to basic dimensional analysis conversion from one to the other is not a valid operation.
Decimeter is a measure of length and a liter is a measure of volume. Not the same.