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This is related to complex numbers. Real numbers can be represented on a line. Complex numbers are a type of vector, in two dimensions. The way complex numbers are usually represented, the horizontal axis is the "real" part, while the vertical axis is called the "imaginary" part. Don't give too much importance to the words "real" and "imaginary"; they are used for historical reasons. Thus, any point on the complex plane is made up of two components - a real part and an imaginary part - for example, 3 + 4i, or -5 - 2i. The first part is the "real" part, and the second, with the "i" at the end, the "imaginary" part. Addition of complex numbers is quite straightforward, just add the components. For multiplication, i2 is defined as -1. Other than that, just do a normal polynomial multiplication.

Where are complex numbers used? In a variety of areas, including electricity, quantum mechanics, art (take a look at fractals for some examples!), and many other areas.

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Q: What are imaginary numbers and where are they used?
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Imaginary numbers are only ever used when you are using the square roots of negative numbers. The square root of -1 is i. You may find imaginary numbers when you are finding roots of equations.

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No. Irrational numbers are real numbers, therefore it is not imaginary.

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Imaginary numbers are not a subset of the real numbers; imaginary means not real.

Can a complex number be imaginary?

Yes, imaginary numbers are a subset of complex numbers.

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No difference. The set of complex numbers includes the set of imaginary numbers.

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It is used in Electrical Engineering alot.

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No, it is imaginary. Irrational numbers are a subset of real numbers Real numbers and imaginary numbers are sets without any overlap.

What Is the use of imaginary axis in real life?

The imaginary axis is used in the definition of the complex numbers. Complex numbers are used in many fields in engineering, in particular - electric engineering, aerodynamics, acoustics etc.

How did imaginary numbers impact mathematics?

Imaginary numbers are used in complex numbers that make some math simpler like electronics where there is a cycle frequency it makes the math much simpler to handle complex equations

What are imagery numbers?

imaginary numbers are numbers that are a negative square root, which is not possoble therefor it is called and imaginary number. ex the square root of -24 is an imaginary number

Example of properties of real numbers?

examples: 1, 2, 0, -5, sqrt(2), pi etc. real numbers means numbers on the real plane. the opposite of real numbers are imaginary numbers which takes the format of ai, in which the i is the imaginary unit they do not exist on the real plane, but only on the imaginary plane. they can be found by square-rooting a negative number, e.g. sqrt(-4)=2i usually imaginary numbers are used with real numbers, with the format a+bi, and this is called complex numbers.

Which number belongs to the set of imaginary numbers 2?

2 does belong to the set of imaginary numbers. Any real number is also imaginary. Imaginary numbers are the set of all numbers that can be expressed as a +b*i where "i" is the square root of negative one and "a" and "b" are both real numbers.