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2 does belong to the set of imaginary numbers. Any real number is also imaginary. Imaginary numbers are the set of all numbers that can be expressed as a +b*i where "i" is the square root of negative one and "a" and "b" are both real numbers.

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Q: Which number belongs to the set of imaginary numbers 2?
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It belongs to any set that has -17 amongst its members.Given that this is schoolwork, the answer teacher probably wants is: the set of integers.It also belongs to the set of rational numbers, the set of negative integers, the set of real numbers, the set of complex numbers, the set {43.2, 98, -17, pi} and an infinite number of others.It belongs to the set of complex numbers in spite of having no 'imaginary' part. Real numbers are just special cases of complex number in which the imaginary part happens to be zero. Rational numbers are special cases of real numbers. Integers are special cases of rational numbers.

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No difference. The set of complex numbers includes the set of imaginary numbers.

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Always. The set of imaginary numbers is a subset of complex numbers. Think of complex numbers as a plane (2 dimensional). The real numbers exist on the horizontal axis. The pure imaginary are the vertical axis. All other points on the plane are combinations of real and imaginary. All points on the plane (including imaginary axis and real axis) are complex numbers.

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The set of Real NumbersThe set of Imaginary Numbers

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Both imaginary and real numbers are infinite .Answer:Any real number can be turned into an imaginary number by multiplying it by "i" ot "j" (the root of -1). Hence it would appear that the set of all real numbers would equal the set of all imaginary numbers. However 0 (zero) multiplied by anything still equals zero. This would mean that there is at least one number that cannot be converted to an imaginary number.

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