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from the given information,we get,

angle b = x

angle a = 4x - 5

we know that supplementary angles have 180 degree as their sum , so,

4x - 5 + x = 180

5x - 5 = 180

5x = 185

x = 37

so,angle a = 4x - 5 = 4 *37 -5 = 143

angle b = 37

also angle a + angle b = 143 + 37 = 180

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Q: What are measures of two supplementary angles if angle A is 5 less than 4 times the measure of angle B?
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Supplementary angles are two angles that measure up to 180 degrees. EXAMPLE: If the an angle measures 70 degrees, to find the missing angle, you subtract 70 from 180 because supplementary angles equal 180 degrees. Your answer (in this case 110) is the answer for the measure of the missing angle.

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