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Q: What are narrow divides between two cirques called?
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What is a narrow strip of land between bodies of water called?

It is called an isthmus.

Narrow lines of colors with no light in between them are called what?

It is called an absorption spectrum.

What do you call a narrow passage between buildings in cities?

an alley. A narrow passage between buildings or parts of different buildings is also called an areaway.

What is the narrow strip of water between two islands called?

it is called an isthmus

Is the narrow neck of land between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick considered an isthmus?

The narrow neck of land between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick is called the Chignecto Isthmus.

What is a narrow body of water between tow pieces of land?

This would be called a fjord.

What is a narrow strip of sea between two pieces of land?

this is called an Isthmus

What are body planes separate the thorax from the abdomen?

In humans and other mammals the thorax and abdomen are separated by a sheet of muscle called the diaphragm. In insects like wasps and bees where there is a narrow region between the thorax and the abdomen this is called the petiole.

Why was the narrow boat called the narrow boat?

This is because it is a narrow boat

What is a long narrow cut called?

A long narrow cut is called a slit.

What is a narrow valley between hills?

Narrow deep valleys are sometimes called canyons. Or a small valley riginally worn away by running water and serving as a drainageway after prolonged heavy rains is called a Gully.

What is the name for a narrow passage in the sea?

a strait is a narrow passage (found in my social studies book)