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Q: What are open ended questions for patients?
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What types of questions require someone's opinion?

Open ended questions.

What is more suffecient to use open ended or close ended questions?

Close ended question are more efficient then open ended question as they can be answered in two words or less. Open ended questions provide the inquirer more information so they are more sufficient when used in marketing.

What words begin open-ended questions?

What, Where, When, How, and Tell me about?

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open ended questions

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What are some open ended questions?

Another answer: Open-ended questions usually begin with who, why, what, when or where. If you were for example doing a project on the solar system then you could have "What is the solar system" or" Who called it the solar system"

What Personal qualities need to succeed in Auto Mechanic job?

Open To CommunicationListens With RespectAnswers Your Questions ClearlyCompetentLeadershipcreativemathematical abilities patients, patients and more patients.

What is the relationship between open ended and close ended questions?

An open ended question requires an answer and a response while a close ended question is basically the same thing as a yes or no question

How do you frame questions for interview of a novelist?

use open ended question

Why is it important to have open-ended questions?

so that the person you are asking can fully form their opinion and you are not influencing their answer with a bias question. an example of an open ended question is "how did the war effect you? opposed to "did the war make your life harder?" open ended questions require more than a one word answer

What are the open ended question and close ended question about online shopping system?

Open ended questions make the children to think critically and examine the questions carefully and express personal ideas and information. On the contrary, close-ended questions usually revolves round "Yes" or "No" answers with limited amount of information. Open-ended questions, also called infinite response or unsaturated type questions are used to find out in-depth ideas, and solicit additional information from the person of interest. They are broad, and expect more descriptive responses than one or two words.

What is a open ended questions?

Open-ended questions give the respondent the chance to answer in detail, expressing feelings, attitudes, and so forth, but closed-exded questions are those that you might find in a multiple-choice exam, or one that doesn't give opportunity to answer in depth.