

What are parellelograms?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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12y ago

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kite , rhombus, square, rectangle ,kite,etc...

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Q: What are parellelograms?
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Are all quadrilaterals parellelograms?

No, a trapezoid is not a parallelogram.

Are all squares parellelograms?

A square is parellelogram because all the sides are equal.

Are all parellelograms special kinds of squares?

No. But squares are a special kind of parallelogram.

What has parallel congruent bases and lateral surfaces that are parellelograms?

A rectangular prism has congruent bases and parallelograms as lateral surfaces.

Are all rhombuses parellelograms?

All rhombuses are parallelograms because to be a parallelogram you only have to have four sides and have opposite sides congruent.

Do rectangles and parellelograms have rotation symmetry?

Yes rectangles and parallelograms have rotation symmetry. rectangles and parallelograms have a rotational symmetry of 2. I hope this information helps you.

What characteristic names a prism?

a prism is a polyhedron with two congruent faces, called bases, that lie in parallel planes. The other faces, called lateral faces, are parellelograms formed by connecting the corresponding vertices of the bases. the segments connecting the vertices are lateral edges. the altitude, or height, of a prism is the perpendicular distance between its bases.

Why are squares and rectangles called parellelograms?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral (four sided shape) which has two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. In a square, the opposite sides are parallel, thus a square is also a parallelogram In a rectangle, the opposite sides are parallel, thus a rectangle is also a parallelogram. A rectangle is a parallelogram in which [all] the angles are right angles. A square is a rectangle (and thus a parallelogram) in which all the sides are the same length as well as all the angles being right angles.