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Brackets, Indices, (Divisions or Multiplications), (Additions or Subtractions).


Parenthesis, Exponents, (Multiplications or Divisions), (Addition or Subtraction).

For DM/MD and for AS you work from left to right.

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Q: What are rules to remenber when using order of operation to simplify expression?
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Why did mathematicians have to agree on an order of operation to be used to simplify a numerical expression?

It has nothing to do with agreement or negotiation. There's only one order of operations that leads to the correct outcome.

In math how do you simplify an expression?

Math can be difficult at times. To simplify a math expression, it is important to follow the order of operations, or PEMDAS.

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"rationalizing" the denominator

How can you evaluate a expression?

replace the variables with the given values and simplify using the order of operations.

What is the answer of 9x 4y -6x - 5y?

That will depend on the plus or minus value of 4y in order to simplify the given expression

What is the order of operation performed in a fraction?

To Evaluate expressions using the order of operations where there are fraction bars, simplify the top and bottom first, then divide.

How is order of operation helpful?

Having an agreed order of operation helps in that it means less brackets (parentheses) are needed in an expression (making it less messy) to get the same (correct) answer.

The rules to follow when more than one operation is used in a numerical expression?

order of operations

Why mathematicians had to agree on an order of operations to be used to simplify a numerical expression?

It has nothing to do with agreement or negotiation. There's only one order of operations that leads to the correct outcome.

How do you evaluate a math expression?

The evaluate a algebraic math expression you first must substitute a number for each variable. Then you must perform the operation in the correct order.

Explain brackets in order of operation?

Brackets are basically the same as parentheses. If they are inside of parentheses, then you simplify that term before anything else. If they are outside of parentheses, then you simplify the terms in the parentheses first and then the term within the brackets.