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Q: What are some Christmas terms that start with a R?
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What is geometric terms?

Geometric Sequences work like this. You start out with some variable x. Your multiplication distance between terms is r. Your second term would come out to x*r, your third x*r*r, and so on. If there are n terms in the sequence, your final term will be x*r^(n-1).

What are some government terms that start with the letter r?

· ratification · reapportionment · recall · referendum · reform · regulation · rider

What are some geometric terms that begin with letter R?

Right angle and rectangle are geometric terms.

What thing start with v and end with r?

Some things that start with V and end with R are:vaporventilatorvespervictorvigorvinegarvotervouchervoyagervoyeur

What are some winter words that start with r?

Some winter words that start with R are:raw windsroaring firesrime around the windowsroad salt

Technology words that start with the letter R?

Technical words and terms include words associated with computers. Words and terms that start with the letter R and have something to do with technology include real-time, RAID, RAM, real number, recursion, recursive function, and refresh.

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What has the author R A Christmas written?

R. A. Christmas has written: 'City of Roses' 'Housebroken'

What nouns start with r that have to do with equality?

Some nouns that start with R related to 'equality' are rights, respect, republic, or representatives.

When was George R. Christmas born?

George R. Christmas was born on 1940-03-11.

What are some names that start with an r?

Ryan, Ryne