

What are some disadvantages of gravitational energy?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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as it weakens earth will end up to far away from the sun for life to live!

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Q: What are some disadvantages of gravitational energy?
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Disadvantages of gravitational energy?

It makes space travel very expensive.

What are some advantages of gravitational energy?

An advantage for gravitational energy is that gravitational energy is that it can be made/created very easily and transformed easily as well

The energy of position such as a rock on a hill is what energy?

Gravitational energy Potential energy

Is gravitational energy kinetic?

Gravitational energy is the potential energyassociated with the gravitational field.

Is gravitational potential energy is the same gravitational force?

No. Gravitational force is the pull an object experience from gravity. Gravitational energy is the energy an object has from its position in a gravitational field. An object moving up in a gravitational field gains gravitational energy.

How can a gravitational energy converted to gravitational energy?

Gravitational energy already IS gravitational energy; what exactly do you want to convert? With a see-saw, or a similar lever, or a system of ropes, you can transfer gravitational energy from one object to another.

Why is gravitational energy renewable?

It is renewable because you can always raise an object or raise yourself and gain gravitational potential energy. You cannot run out of gravitational potential energy and even now you have some of the the energy because gravity is always pulling you. It is just a matter of how much gravitational potential energy you have. Go on the top Mt. Everest and you will have more gravitational potential energy than most of the people in the world.

Is gravitational energy renewable?

It is renewable because you can always raise an object or raise yourself and gain gravitational potential energy. You cannot run out of gravitational potential energy and even now you have some of the the energy because gravity is always pulling you. It is just a matter of how much gravitational potential energy you have. Go on the top Mt. Everest and you will have more gravitational potential energy than most of the people in the world.

Is gravitational energy an example of kinetic energy?

No. Gravitational energy is a type of potential energy.

What are some examples of gravitational energy?

A ball, an apple and hail

Can you give some examples of gravitational energy?

A rock on a hill

What does potential energy plus gravitational energy equals?

Gravitational-potential energy.