Some math words include "integer," which refers to whole numbers and their negative counterparts; "fraction," which represents a part of a whole number expressed as one number divided by another; "variable," which is a symbol used to represent an unknown or changing quantity in algebraic expressions and equations; and "hypotenuse," the longest side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.
Some math words beginning with the letter E are:EqualsEquationEquilateralEvaluateExpandExpression
multiplacation mental math
other words for multiplication
Zero (:
Some math words ending with -THSEighteenthsEighthsEightiethsEleventhsFifteenthsFifthsFiftiethsFortiethsFourteenthsFourthsHundredthsMathsNineteenthsNinetiethsNinthsSeventeenthsSeventhsSeventiethsSixteenthsSixthsSixtiethsTenthsThirteenthsThirtiethsTwelfthsTwentieths
Whole number is a math term. Weighted average is another math term.
Other words are: division, subtraction, and addition.
addplus add on to
Sine and cosine
Kilometre , kilogram