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Q: What are some reasons for using a matrix structure?
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When is it important for a matrix to be square?

In the context of matrix algebra there are more operations that one can perform on a square matrix. For example you can talk about the inverse of a square matrix (or at least some square matrices) but not for non-square matrices.

What is a matrix and a scalar?

A matrix and a scalar is a matrix. S + M1 = M2. A scalar is a real number whose square is positive. A matrix is an array of numbers, some of which are scalars and others are vectors, square of the number is negative. A matrix can be a quaternion, the sum of a scalars and three vectors.

How do you calculate complex number using matrix?

A complex number a + bi, can be represented as a 2x2 matrix: [a -b] [b a ] or [a b ] [-b a ] , just keep the same notation throughout your work. See the wikipedia article on Complex Numbers, and the related link for some more information.

Is a singular matrix an indempotent matrix?

A singular matrix is a matrix that is not invertible. If a matrix is not invertible, then:• The determinant of the matrix is 0.• Any matrix multiplied by that matrix doesn't give the identity matrix.There are a lot of examples in which a singular matrix is an idempotent matrix. For instance:M =[1 1][0 0]Take the product of two M's to get the same M, the given!M x M = MSo yes, SOME singular matrices are idempotent matrices! How? Let's take a 2 by 2 identity matrix for instance.I =[1 0][0 1]I x I = I obviously.Then, that nonsingular matrix is also idempotent!Hope this helps!

Advantages and disadvantages of using adjacency list over adjacency matrix?

Advantages are that you can see the arc lengths disadvantages some times it doesn't work because of insufficient vertices's or arcs.

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When is it important for a matrix to be square?

In the context of matrix algebra there are more operations that one can perform on a square matrix. For example you can talk about the inverse of a square matrix (or at least some square matrices) but not for non-square matrices.

What is a matrix and a scalar?

A matrix and a scalar is a matrix. S + M1 = M2. A scalar is a real number whose square is positive. A matrix is an array of numbers, some of which are scalars and others are vectors, square of the number is negative. A matrix can be a quaternion, the sum of a scalars and three vectors.

How do you calculate complex number using matrix?

A complex number a + bi, can be represented as a 2x2 matrix: [a -b] [b a ] or [a b ] [-b a ] , just keep the same notation throughout your work. See the wikipedia article on Complex Numbers, and the related link for some more information.

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C program to sort all elements of a 4x4 matrix?

This type of sorting can b performd by simply transferring all the matrix elements in a single dimension array of 1X16 size and then sorting this array and then transferring the elements back to 4X4 matrix. You can also treat the 4x4 matrix as a simple array using pointers and, thus, not need to transfer from matrix to array and back. Example, using ellipses (...) to simulate indentation for clarity... int matrix[4][4] = {...some values...} int *element; int flag = 1; while (flag == 1) { /* simple bubble sort */ ... flag = 0; ... /* loop from first element to next to last element */ ... for (element = &matrix[0][0]; element < &matrix[3][3]; element ++) { ... ... if (*element > *(element + 1)) { ... ... ... flag = 1; ... ... ... *element ^= *(element + 1); /* exclusive or swap */ ... ... ... *(element + 1) ^= *element; ... ... ... *element ^= *(element + 1); ... ... } ... } }