

What are some unique uses for integers?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are some unique uses for integers?
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How many unique pairs of positive integers can be multiplied together to yield 24?

Four unique pairs.

What are the uses of integers?

There are several different ways that you can use integers in everyday situations. For example you can use integers in the Winter, you use them with the temperature.

Where do you go to find all about the uses of integers?

You cannot. There are uses for them which are still undiscovered.

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Some unique uses for a spare room include a home gym, movie room, or a giant walk in closet. If you would like additional income, you could also rent the room out.

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None. The factorization of integers is unique.

182 is the product of 2 consecutive integers but the answer is not unique?

The numbers are 13 and 14.

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What are the examples of the uses of integers?

adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing

What careers do you use integers for?

I'm thinking that a stock marketer uses integers to symbolize if a stock has gone up or down.

Are there any mathematicians who used integers?

Every mathematician uses/used integers. It is one of the most important number sets.

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