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it is 14

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Q: What are some whole number pairs of side lengths of a rectangle that forms a golden rectangle?
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How do get 14 as answer for whole number pairs of side lengths rectangle that forms golden rectangle?

A golden rectangle cannot have both its sides as whole numbers. The ratio of the sides of the rectangle is [1 + sqrt(5)]/2 so if one side is a positive whole number, the other must be an irrational number.

How do you work out the diameter of a rectangle?

The diameter of a rectangle is the same as its diagonal (angle in a semicircle is a right angle). So the diagonal forms a right angled triangle with the diagonal as the hypotenuse and two sides of the rectangle (a length and a breadth) forming the legs of the triangle. If the lengths of the sides of the rectangle are known, a simple application of Pythagoras's theorem given the measure of the diagonal.

Which shape forms the curved surface of a cylinder?

a rectangle

What are the lengths of the diagonals and their point of intersection of a quadrilateral with vertices at 1 7 and 7 5 and 6 2 and 0 4?

The given vertices when plotted on the Cartesian plane forms a rectangle with diagonals of square root of 50 in lengths and they both intersect at (3.5, 4.5)

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The three of them have a rectangle or square form.

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What is a cylinder 2d shape?

If it is folded out it is called a net. It forms two circles and a rectangle.

Find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle whose length and width are 35cm and 12cm respectively?

Easiest thing to do here would be to draw a diagram and label the sides with their lengths and draw a line for the diagonal. You can see the diagonal forms part of a right-angled triangle, with its shorter lengths 35 cm and 12 cm. So using Pythagoras's Theorem, x2 = 352 + 122 = 1369 x = square root of 1369 = 37 cm.

What is the golden ratio and where do you see it in the world around us?

The Golden Ratio is 0=1.61803. Also known as the Golden Mean or Golden Section. It is a system of proportion first discovered by the ancient Greeks, and described as the most pleasing proportion to the human eye. Sections of a line or shape are related to one another according to an ideal which can be expressed with an algebraic formula. Visually it is a rectangle containing squares, a spiral forms by connecting intersecting lines. Examples of the concho-spiral seen in nature are shells, pine cones and ram's horns.

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phone number for Walgreens Tax forms

How does Pele's hair form?

it forms under the golden sun after he is done practicing soccer with Chuck Norris and the sweat forms his luscious black hair that has all the ladies attention

What dog forms when you breed a golden retriever with a German sheperd?

A Golden Sheperd, a German Retriever, or a weird looking and acting dog.