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nonagon is one, it's a nine sided figure actually it has 9 sides,nine vertices and 9 points

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Q: What are some words beginning with NON meaning 9?
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Words beginning with non?

Words beginning with 'non' are:nonsensenonnegotiablenonsupportnonrefundablenonentitynonporousnonchalantnondescriptnonstopnon sequitur

What are some words that have the prefix non and relate to nonagon meaning 9?

nonet (a group of nine) is one of them.........

What are words that begin with non meaning nine?


What Words with prefix non means nine?

A example of a word with non- as a prefix meaning nine would be likeNonagon- meaning a shape with 9 sides non-smart-meaning having no knowledge

What words have non in them?

Here are some words that have "non" in them: nonstop, nonchalant, nonviolent, nonsense.

What is the definition of non?

The word non means not doing something. This word is attached to other words at the beginning to indicate that it is not of that kind.

What is an antonym of palindrome?

Antonym of palindrome is a phrase that has no meaning when it is read from the end to the beginning, or non-palindrome.Antonyms are pairs of words where one has a meaning opposite of the other. Antonym does not mean merely different; it means opposite, like up-down and hot-cold. Not all words have opposites. For example, what is the opposite of zinc?

Which is the terms for words that have more than the literal meaning?

A word that can be interpreted in a non literal meaning is said to have a figurative meaning.

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Which is the term for words that have more than than the literal meaning?

A word that can be interpreted in a non literal meaning is said to have a figurative meaning.

Which is the term for words that's have more than the literal meaning?

A word that can be interpreted in a non literal meaning is said to have a figurative meaning.

What prefixes is for essential?

non-essential, inessential, unessential