

What are some zodiac symbols?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Cancer, Libra, and Taurus.

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Q: What are some zodiac symbols?
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What symbols represent the signs of the zodiac?

The symbols representing the signs can be found at the site below.

What do the Zodiac Killers symbols mean?

Zodiac's ciphers have always been open to interpretation. He used a combination of symbols which had different meanings to different people. The crosshair symbol is used in targeting nuclear weapons to military personnel. Other symbols could be used by pilots determining weather, to jewelers and some very specific symbols used by postal workers of the North Station Office in White Plains. Some symbols could represent the astrological Southern Cross inscribed in an ellipse. Zodiac also used chemistry formulas and symbols, giving weight to the theory that the Zodiac was intellegent, most likely having earned a college degree. At the very least he was well-read on a variety of subjects.

Why do Beyblades have zodiac symbols?

No I really don't think so.

What is Kelly Clarkson's zodiac sign?

Kelly Clarkson was born on April 24, 1982. Zodiac symbols are based on the date you were born. Kelly Clarkson's zodiac symbol is Taurus or the bull.

Name three symbols in the Chinese zodiac?

Ox, Tiger, Dragon

How can the Chinese zodiac symbols influence a person's life?

Chinese Zodiac symbols refer to a 12 year cycle. Each year relates to a different animal and its features. Depending on the year, you are born in, zodiak symbols are somekind of systematic plan of future actions and which fate you will expirience.

What zodiac signs fall in March and what are their symbols?

Pisces (March 1st-20th) and Aries(March 21st-31st)

What does the Zodiac Killer's signature stand for?

We may never know. Until a time when the Zodiac is positively identified only the killer knows the reasons he picked the name Zodiac. Author Robert Graysmith's favorite suspect Arthur Lee Allen, was obsessed with the name Zodiac, wore a Zodiac watch, loved codes and symbols, and fit the general description from eye witnesses. For Allen anyway, the Zodiac symbol was very important.

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What are the zodiac signs symbols?

Information regarding the Chinese Zodiac can be obtained from numerous sources. Websites such as and Wikipedia can give comprehensive information including the names of the signs, their meanings, and implications of specific signs.

If your birthday is November 29 What is your sign?

If your birthday is November 27 your zodiac star sign is Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21).

Can you see some zodiac signs?

Actually, you can see all Zodiac signs in the Western Zodiac. The dates on the Zodiac are when you can see them best, therefore being born "under" the signs.