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Often circles lines points et cetera are named.

In this answer I call the circle C, the Tangent T, the point P, the center of the circle O

They are called just what your question asked:

"The tangent to circle C through point P is T"

P may not be inside C but may be on C

If P is outside C there are twotangents T1 and T2

If P is on C there is one tangent T

T is perpendicular to the radius at the point of tangency

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Q: What are tangents to a circle from a point called?
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How many tangents can be drawn from a single point?

Two tangents can be drawn from a point outside a circle to the circle. The answer for other curves depends on the curve.

How many tangents can be drawn to a circle containing a point outside the circle?

Any tangent must contain a point outside the circle. So the answer to the question, as stated, is infinitely many. However, if the question was how many tangents to a circle can be drawn from a point outside the circle, the answer is two.

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No tangent No tangent

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Only one which is a tangent to that circle.

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What are applications of basic proportionality theorem?

it can be used to draw tangents from a given point on a circle.

Draw a circle with radius 5 cmMark a point 'm' 13 cm away from the center Draw tangents to the circle from Mmeasure the length of the tangents and compare them?

They're equal, 12 cm long.

Does every pair of circles have common tangents of both types?

no; for example, a circle and a circle within that circle have no common tangents.

How Are tangents to a circle equal at opposite ends of a diameter?

Tangents ..... are parallel under conditions you gave. A tangent to a circle is perpindicular to the radius (diameter) at the point of contact. 2 lines perpindicular to the same line are parallel.

How many tangents can be drawen to a circle contaning a point inside the circle?

None. A tangent is a line that has exactly onepoint in common with the circle.If it contained a point inside the circle, then it would have to pass through twopoints on the circle.

How many tangents can be drawn to a point on a circle?

Always one for sure, and never more than one.