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Massive amounts of gaseous exchange takes place through stomata and it is also used in absorbing water.

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Q: What are the 2 functions of stomata?
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What are the 2 primary functions of the stomata?

1-It helps in exchange of gases 2-It helps in transpiration

Function of stamates in a plant?

The stomata in a plant has many important functions. Located on the leaves of plants the stomata take in air for plant respiration and aid in photosynthesis.

Is stomata and stoma the same thing?

Stroma is a fluid that is present in the chloroplast. They are like the cytoplasm of the chloroplast. Stomata is plural for Stomate, which is a pore in leaves that allows Carbon Dioxide in, and Oxygen out; It functions as a gas exchange pore.

Give two functions of stomata?

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What are the openings in leaves of plants that regulate gas exchange?

Stomata are the openings in leaves that (among other functions) regulate gas exchange.

What is the openings on the underside of leaves?

stomata =Specialized passages through the cuticle that enable plants to exchange gases.

Specialized structures that allow gas to enter and leave leaf?


What is the role of a stomata and guard cells?

Through the stomata carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant and oxygen and water vapor diffuse out of the plant. Guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomata. Used in arid climates to control water loss for instance.

What is singular form of stomata?

Stomata is already the plural form of stoma.

What tiny openings on plants leaves are called?


What part of the plant exchanges gases?

The Stoma or the Stomata (plural) .