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Three Domain SystemArchaea Domain

  • Archaebacteria Kingdom

Bacteria Domain

  • Eubacteria Kingdom

Eukarya Domain

  • Protista Kingdom
  • Fungi Kingdom
  • Plantae Kingdom
  • Animalia Kingdom
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Q: What are the 3 domains and 4 eukaryotic kingdoms?
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What are the 3 domains and 4 kingdoms?

~3 domains 1. archea 2. bacteria 3. eukarya ~4 kingdoms 1. protista 2. fungi 3. planta 4. animalia

How many kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1?


What 4 kingdoms have cells that have characteristics of eukaryotic cells?

Eukaryotic cells are found in the kingdomsProtista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

Which 4 kingdoms have nuclei?

The four eukaryotic kingdoms that have nuclei are Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista. Nuclei are membrane-bound organelles that house the genetic material and control the activities of the cell.

What are the 5 kingdoms characteristics?

Plants are 1) Eukaryotic, 2) Photosynthetic, 3) Multicellular, 4) Sexually reproducing, and 5) their Life History involves an alternation of a haploid phase (Gametophyte) with a diploid phase (Sporophyte)

What three kingdoms are in the three kingdom classification system?

1.) Bacteria 2.) Archaebacteria 3.) Protist 4.) Fungi 5.) Plants 6.) Animals

What are the four major domains of the earth?

the major domains of the earth are- 1. lithosphere 2.hydrosphere 3.atmosphere 4.biosphere

What single characteristic separates kingdoms archebacteria and eubacteria from all the other kingdom?

One difference is the properties of the organismsin the domains...Organismsfrom Domains Bacteria and Archaea are Prokaryotes, which are single-celled microorganisms lacking nuclei and some organelles.Organisms from Domain Eukarya are Eukaryotes (Hence the name), which are organisms (can be unicellular or multicellular) that have a nucleus and organelles.Another distinction is the number of kingdoms there are in each domain...Domains Archaea and Bacteria have only one kingdom each... under Domain Archaea is Kingdom Archaebacteriaand under Domain Bacteria is Kingdom Eubacteria.Domain Eukarya is separated into 4 kingdoms: Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia... each kingdom with their own distinct characteristics.

What are the four domains of the risk management framework?

There are 4 key domains in this Risk Management Framework. They are: 1. Risk Communication 2. Risk Analysis 3. Risk Response Planning & 4. Risk Governance

What are three domains into which organisms are classified?

Jesus love you man. read psalms 91

What are the 4 kingdoms found in Eukarya?

1) Protista 2) Fungi 3) Plantae 4) Animalia

What are the major kingdoms of living things?

Among prokaryotes kingdoms are , 1 Archeobacteria and 2 Eubacteria . Among Eukaryotes there are 4 kingdoms . 3 Plantae , 4 Fungi , 5 Protista and 6 Animalia .This classification is based on Margulis system .