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A rigid object has up to 6 degrees of freedom:

3 degrees of freedom of location:

In both directions of x,y,z axis

3 degrees of freedom of rotation (attitude):

pitch, roll, and yaw,

rotation about the x,y,z axis.

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Q: What are the 6 degrees of freedom an object has in space?
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Check the online Alice book if u don't have one.

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How many degrees of freedom does a human arm have?

arm has not 6 but 7 degree of freedom.. 1.shoulder have 1 degree of freedom. 2.yaw have 2 degree of freedom. 3.roll have 3 degree of freedom. 4.elbow have 4 degree of freedom. 5.wrist have 5degree of freedom. 6.wrist yaw have a 6degree of freedom. 7.wrist roll have a 7 degree of freedom.

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A tri-atomic molecule should have 3 vibrational degrees of freedom (one for each "end" atom vibrating on its bond with the central atom and one for the flexing of the bonds like scissors opening and closing). If it is non-linear, it should also have a three rotational degrees of freedom. All molecules (including a triatomic one) will have 3 degrees of freedom for translational motion. All totaled, it will have 3+3+3 = 9 degrees of freedom. Note that this does not address the question of independence of the degrees of freedom - for example - if the two "end" atoms are identical, not all the rotational degrees of freedom are independent.

How many degrees of Freedom is the sphere in spherical bowl?

BACKGROUND: An item has a maximum of 6 degrees of freedom; 3 degrees of translation (motion in a straight line) and 3 degrees of rotation. The textbook answer to this question is 3 degrees of freedom. What do I mean by the "textbook" answer? I mean that the sphere and spherical bowl fit together correctly so that while the ball will rotate smoothly in any direction, the ball fits tightly enough that it will not move in a straight line in any direction.

What are the comparisons of area and perimeter?

perimeter is the space around an object, area is the space inside of an object.A 4x6 rectangle has a perimeter of 4 + 6 + 4 + 6,A 4x6 rectangle has an area of 4 x 6.

What is the exact measure of the angle formed by the hands of a clock at 1240?

Each minute space occupies 6 degrees and so 24*6 = 144 degrees or try using a protractor for a more accurate measurement

What has 6 vertices and 15 edges?

I believe that such an object cannot exist in normal 3-d space. If there are 6 vertices, the maximum number of edges is 12.

Degrees of freedom in drilling machine?

i beleive it is one for a pillar drill but i may well be wrong, if its a normal hand drill it will have the sames as your arm with is is 6

Is 6 degrees cold?

What is 6 degrees colder than -3 degrees is

How do you write 6 degrees?

6 degrees

What in degrees is 6 percent?

6% = 21.6 degrees