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Using power-of-notation makes it easy to multiply numbers.

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Q: What are the advantages of using powers of ten notation?
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Related questions

What notation is a way to write numbers using powers of ten?

Decimal notation is.

What is the form of using numbers using powers of ten?

The form that uses only powers of ten are logarithms to base 10. The scientific notation does use powers of ten but the original number is also used in this representation.

How is 60000 written using powers-of-ten notation?

6 x 104

How do you solve a problem using scientific notation?

Multiplying each factor by powers of ten

1000 equals what in exponential notation using powers of ten?

10 to the 3rd power

What do decimals and scientific notation number have in common?

The are used to represent numbers using powers of ten.

A method of writing very large or very small numbers by using powers of ten?

scientific notation or standard form

What is a meathod of writing very large or very small numbers by using powers of ten?

That's called scientific notation.

How would you express 3582 gigabytes using scientific notation with powers of ten?

3582 * 109 = 3.582 X 1012 ===========

What is 1 trillion in scientific notation using powers of ten?

It is: 1.0*10^12

What are the guidelines for metric notation?

The units of the metric system are all designed to convert by powers of ten, so for example, ten millimeters is a decimeter, ten decimeters is a centimeter, ten centimeters is a meter, etc. When you have a large number of powers of ten, you can conveniently describe it by means of scientific notation, using exponents. So, a trillion meters is 1012 meters.

How does scientific notation give you the strength of a super-hero?

when you work with scientific notation you get to use the powers of ten