Using power-of-notation makes it easy to multiply numbers.
8.7329 x 10e3
Not quite sure what you mean, do you mean as a form of scientific notation, for example 3,000,000 would be represented as 3x106 (6 zeros)
what are numbers like 10,100,1,000 called
scientific notation or standard form
Decimal notation is.
scientific :D
Using power-of-notation makes it easy to multiply numbers.
8.7329 x 10e3
582 = 5.82*102
positive powers of ten are standard form, this is when large numbers are simplified to make math easier e.g 100000000 is 1x10^9
The are used to represent numbers using powers of ten.
30,332 in expanded form using powers ten = (3 x 104) + (0 x 103) + (3 x 102) + (3 x 101) + (2 x 100)
Scienctific method
81.402 in expanded form using the powers of ten = (8 x 10^1) + (1 x 10^0) + (4/10^1) + (0/10^2) + (2/10^3)