levels 1-50 bccu21a
levels 1-50 bccu21a
levels 1-50 bccu21alevel 1-50 bccu21a
levels 1-50 bccu21alevel 1-50 bccu21a
levels 1-50 bccu21a
There is no level 100. Bloxorz stops at level 33. The similar game Briker has 26 levels and Briker 2 has 50 levels. The game labeled as "Bloxorz 2" consists of the first 16 levels of Briker 1.
All levels are selected by the master "secret code" : bccu21a.
There are two games that are given in searches for "Bloxorz 2." One is a game called "On the Edge" which plays like B-Cubed. The other is a copy of Briker 1 that is called Bloxorz 2. But unlike Briker 1, you can select the levels by 6 or 7 digit passcodes. (see related question)
Yes there is cheats to briker2
you pass all the levels!
Right, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Left, Down, Down