Sets are classified according to their cardinality: a measure of the number of elements that it contains.
The cardinality of a set may be finite, aleph-null or aleph-one.
Aleph-null is the number of integers (or rational numbers).
This quizlet set might help 2396261/7-properties-of-life-flash-cards/
what are the classifications of food industry/
The two classifications of critical information are unclassified and classified.
Phenetic classifications
Racial classifications are groups of physical characteristics. The 3 most common racial classifications, going by bone structures, are Caucasoid, African, and Asiatic.
The two classifications of wood are hardwood and softwood.
How are governments classified? How does the U.S. government fit into these classifications?
Two simple classifications of books are fiction and non-fiction.
The two classifications of critical information are unclassified and classified.
He uses plants and animals for both of his classifications
The two classifications of critical information are unclassified and classified.
The plural of the word "classification" is "classifications."