

What are the division variables?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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They are the dividend and the divisor, with the answer being the quotient.

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One. A term is made up of numbers and variables joined by multiplication or division.

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An expression made with constants, variables and exponents, which are combined using addition, subtraction and multiplication, ... but not division.

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You are dividing two monomials. Divide the coefficients of the variables, and multiply by the division of the variables. 7b/9b = 7/9 x b/b = 7/9 x 1 = 7/9

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Computer languages typically contain both integer and real (floating point) number variables. In some computer languages, such as Pascal, division by two integers is not defined because so often, the result of division has a fractional part. Thus, division requires either one or both of the number to be divided to be a real (floating point) number.

How is dividing a polynomial by a binomial similar to or different from the long division you learned in elementary school?

Polynomial division is actually quite similar to the method of long division that I was taught back in elementary school. Instead of simply using numbers as we did back then, there are variables to deal with as well. However, the process is effectively the same. We go through the problem term by term, just like in numerical long division.

In middle school mathemtics is division subtractionl multiplication addition termed a factor or an operation?

It's an operation. The factor would be the two numbers (or variables) you're adding, multiplying, etc.