It can be, if you're comparing primes or relative primes.
The greatest common factor of 420 , 2310 = 210
The greatest common factor of 196 and 420 is 28.
The highest or greatest common factor of 420 and 294 is 42.
Denominators are just numbers. Factoring them into primes meanss finding their prime factorizations. A factor tree can help you visualize this.
Greatest common factor of 420 and 504 is 84.
The greatest common factor of 294 and 420 is 42.
You are a multiple of 60. You could be 60 (59 and 61 are primes) or 180 (179 and 181 are primes) or 240 (239 and 241 are primes) or 420 (419 and 421 are primes) or 600 (599 and 601 are primes) or 660 (659 and 661 are primes) ........and there are numerous others.
Factor each to primes then, choose the common primes to multiply.56=2x2x2x781=3x3x3x3Greatest common is the multiplication identity 1.
divisors of 10 are 1,2,5 and 10, so highest number that can be divide 10 is 10,10 is also a factor of 420 Hence 10 is the highest common factor of 10 and 420. least multiplier of 420 is 420, also 420 is multiplier of 10 hence LCM is 420
The GCF of 420 and 630 is 210.
The greatest common factor of 420 and 504 is 84