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Q: What are the features of rotational bush fallow?
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What is bush fallowing system?

Bush fallow farming is a method of farming where virgin land is clear-cut and then allowed to lie fallow before being planted.

What is a modification of shifting cultivation where crops are rotated around a village fallow periods are shorter and soil may be enriched through household wastes?

Intercropping is a modification of shifting cultivation where different crops are grown together in the same field to maximize land use efficiency.

Why do people do rotational farming?

Because farming certain plants drains certain nutrients from the soil. Rotational farming rotates the crops being grown (sometimes fields are left fallow i.e. empty) and therefore, nutrients remain in the soil.

What is the superlative and comparative of fallow?

more fallow, most fallow

What can be fallow?

inactive land can be fallow

Definition -three field rotation system?

A rotational system for agriculture in which one field grows grain, one grows legumes, and one lies fallow. It gradually replaced two-field system in medieval Europe.

Can you give me a sentence using the word 'fallow'?

fallow - inactive/not in use In this sentence, my literary skills were fallow. :)

Is the fallow deer a carnivore?

Is the fallow deer a herbivore

What is an uncultivated field called?

Fallow it is called a fallow

What is fallow farmland?

A fallow farmland a where a farmland has lots of crops and animals on it. It only has the word fallow in it,is because the farmland was onced fallowed by people and now its called a fallow farmland.

What is rotational Farming?

Planting different types of crop on the same land at different times of the year. Causes less drain on the soil.

What are fallow deers?

Fallow deers are a type of deer and the are herbivores.