The first time the symbol Pi was first used for Pi was in ancient Greece in their numbers. The symbol "π" was number 80 in Greece.
the first 35 digits of pi is... 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288
The ancient Babylonians used pi as a number approx 4000 years ago.
These are the first 31 digits of pi:3.1415926535897932384626433832795The number not found is zero
No, Pi is an irrational number with the first 9 digits being 3.14159265.
pi has no ending number so the mathematician used the three first number which is 3.14 to present for pi but it is not = 3.14, it is approximately (~ 3.14)
3.14159 26535
There is no 0 in pi until the 32nd digit.
The ancient Egyptian worked out the value of pi as being 3.16
These are the first 31 digits of pi:3.1415926535897932384626433832795The number not found is zero.
Pi written in decimal has an infinite number of decimals. The first digits are 3.14159265.