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Conic Sections are figures that can be formed by slicing a three dimensional right circular cone with a plane. There are different ways to do this, and each way yields a different figure. These figures can be represented on the graph as well as algebraically. The four conic sections are circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas.

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Q: What are the four kinds of parabolas?
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Why are the McDonald's arches considered parabolas?

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Do parabolas oscillate?

NO. They do not oscillate.

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Which conic section has a directrix?

Parabolas have directori.

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What are the four kinds of nouns?

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How are parabolas used in real life?

Parabolas are used in real life in light reflectors on cars to create a concentrated beam of intense light. Braking distance and stopping distance are quadratic formulas so their graphs are parabolas. A ball in motion in space has a path of a parabola.