Since 50 is a multiple of 5, it is automatically the LCM of this problem.
GCD: 5 LCM: 50
The least common multiples of 5, 11, and 13 is 715.
The least common factor of 10 and 25 is: 1. The HIGHEST common factor is 5, and the least common MULTIPLE is 50.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 5 and 8 is 40.
This needs more information. Generally, questions like this read, "What are the common multiples (of certain numbers) that are under 50?" Example: 3 and 5 The common multiples of 3 and 5 that are under 50 are 15, 30 and 45.
To find the numbers between 10 and 50 that are multiples of both 3 and 5, we need to find the numbers that are multiples of the least common multiple of 3 and 5, which is 15. The multiples of 15 between 10 and 50 are 15, 30, and 45. Therefore, there are 3 numbers between 10 and 50 that are multiples of both 3 and 5.
The least common multiple of 20 and 5 is 20
50 is one.