

Best Answer

The main operations of relational algebra are

1. The select Operation

2. The projection operation

3. The union operation

4.The set different operations

5.The Cartesian-product operation.

6.The rename operation.

7.Additional operations.

8.The Set-Intersection operations.

9.Natural-join operations.

10.Division operation.

11.The Assignment operation.

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Q: What are the main operations of relational algebra?
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The syntax of a query in relational algebra essentially describes the query evaluation algorithm i.e. SELECT WHERE FROM --------------- I don't agree with the above answer. Notice that 'SELECT WHERE FROM' is fragmentary SQL. It does not describe an algorithm, or procedure, for obtaining the desired results. Rather, it describes the characteristics of the desired results and where they might be obtained. In fact, relational algebra is not inherently procedural. It involves closed collections of objects called relations and a set of permitted operations on these objects. Please see the link.

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