By comparing its multiples to the multiples of another number.
To find the multiples of any number, multiply it by successive counting numbers.
To find the LCM of a number in this case 6 and 9 you find all of their multiples that they share in this caseThe multiples of 6 are 2,3,6
To find the multiple of a number, add the number to itself.
Multiply that number by successive counting numbers.
There are fourteen multiples of seven that are under 100.
You can't find the Common Multiple of only one number. You need at least two numbers to find the common multiples.
To find its multiples!To find its multiples!To find its multiples!To find its multiples!
You can't find the Common Multiple of only one number. You need at least two numbers to find a common multiple.
you whole numbers that seven go in to
No, but factors can.
14 of them.