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Q: What are the next numbers in the pattern in 20 20 100 100 500?
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Never mind guys I figured it out!

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200, 500 and 201.

How many time does 5 into 500?

100 times because if you do the opposite with the numbers you have, 500/5=100

What are the numbers that will equal 500 rounded to the nearest 100?


How many numbers between 100 and 500 end in a 5?

40. There are 400 numbers between 100 and 500 and one in every ten ends in 5.

Which 5 consecutive whole numbers have a mean of 100?

Well First, you need 500 because 500/5 is obviuosly 100. 98+99+100+101+102= 500. Therefore, the consecutive whole numbers are 98,99,100,101,102! -Levizy123

What is the mean of 100 300 500 500 600?

100 + 300 + 500 + 500 + 600 = 2000. Then divide by 5 to get 400. The mean of these five numbers is 400.

How many 3 digit numbers are under 500?

The 3 digit numbers under 500 are 100 through 499.

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How many integers between 100 and 500 are divisible by 6 but not 8?

There are (500-100)/2 = 200 numbers divisible by 2 between 100 and 500 counting 100 but not 500. Of these (500-100)/8 = 50 are divisible by 8. So there are 150 numbers between 100 and 500 divisible by two but not by 8. By relative primeness exactly 50 out of these 150 are divisible by 3 and therefore these 50 are exactly the ones divisible by 6 but not by 8.