

What are the numbers on pyramids called?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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What are the Giza pyramids why are they called Giza pyramids?

The Giza Pyramids was a burial tomb for king Afrititi and they are called that because they were built in Giza,Egypt

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pyramids are shapes of numbers

Where are the three pyramid?

the pyramids are in egypt in giza that is why they are called the pyramids of giza

What are some titles for a book about pyramids?

i know a book, called Napoleon's Pyramids

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The 3 Types of Food Pyramids: Energy Pyramid Pyramid of Biomass Pyramid of Numbers

What is a 3 dimension 8 sided pyramids called?

Heptagonal pyramids, if you consider the base a side. Octagonal pyramids, if you don't.

What were the massive tombs of Egypt called?

They are called pyramids.

What is the shrine called that guards the pyramids?

Its called the sphynx.

Why are the pyramids so triangular?

Because if their lateral faces were not triangular they would not be called pyramids!

Are all triangular pyramids called tetrahedra?

yes all triangular pyramids are tetrahedra!!!!!!!!!!!!!