

What are the percentages of the men and women in japan?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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about 50% each

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Q: What are the percentages of the men and women in japan?
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What is Frances population of men and women in percentages?

98% of women 99% of men

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What is the ratio of men to women in Japan?

As of 2007 there are 95.4 men for a hundred women in Japan.

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55.5% of women and 52.8% of men voted in the 1996 election. In pure numbers that translates to....56.1 million women, 48.9 million men. Since 1980, women have gone to the polls in increasingly larger percentages than men.

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On Valentine's Day in Japan, women give chocolate gifts to men. Their gifts are reciprocated a month later on White Day, when men will give gifts to women.

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women because they have more babies

How is Valentine's day in japan celebrated differently than in the U.S.?

This day is for the men in Japan instead of the women. Women get chocolate for men instead of the other way around.

What is the life expectancy in men and women in japan?

I don't know exactly the age for men and women separately, but i know that on the ages is 83.

Did men or women write Japans early literature?

Women wrote Japan's early literature.

What is the life expectancy of men and women in Japan?

9000 is you eat your greens

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The average height of a men and women in Japan is:Women 158.8 cm (5' 2.6")Men 171.2 cm (5' 7.4")

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