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You have a hyperbola x² - 4y² = 5, and a straight line x-y = 2. I've included a link to Wolfram Alpha, below where you can see the plot of these. We can solve this by substitution. Rearrange the equation of the line to be x = y + 2, then substitute this in the other equation:

(y + 2)² - 4y² = 5. Expand out: y² + 4y + 4 - 4y² = 5.

Subtract 5 from both sides and combine like terms:

-3y² + 4y - 1=0. Using the quadratic formula, we get y = (-4 +- sqrt(16 - 12))/(-6), so we have (-6)/(-6) = 1, or (-2)/(-6) = 1/3.

Take these two y values and plug in to the equation of the straight line, to get the x coordinates: x = y + 2. So for y = 1, we get x = 3, and for y = 1/3 we get x = 7/3. The two points are (7/3,1/3) and (3,1). Look at the graph and we can visually see that these two points are correct.

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Q: What are the points of intersection of x -y equals 2 with x squared -4y squared equals 5 showing work?
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