The Prime Factors of 327 are 3, 109
The first step to solving this is to break 327 up into its prime factors. The digit sum divides by 3, and so we know 3 is a prime factor. Dividing by 3 gives us 109. This is a prime number, and so the prime factors of 327 are 3 and 109. Therefore, the numbers you can divide 327 by are 1, 3, 109 and 327.
The factors of 981 are: 1, 3, 9, 109, 327, and 981.The prime factors of 981 are: 3 and 109.
Factors of 327 are 1, 3, 109, and 327.
327 is a composite number. A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite.
327 = 109 * 3
327 = 3 x 109
1, 3, 109, 327
This number is not prime because it divisible by 3.
If you add the digits together, you get 12. Since 12 is divisible by 3, 327 is also divisible by 3.
No it can be divided by 3 and 109
Prime factors are factors that are also prime numbers.