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The answer will depend on "in accordance" to WHAT?

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Q: What are the problems occur if si unit is not used in accordance?
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What unit is used to express the frequency of a wave?

The unit used to express the frequency of a wave is Hertz (Hz). It represents the number of complete cycles or oscillations of a wave that occur in one second.

Problems that may arise if the standard unit is not used through various forms of communication?

it will be difficult

Do you have thirty days to return a used car if problems occur?

No, the buyers remorse law does not apply to the purchase of a new or used vehicle.

What are the problems that may arise if standard units are not used in communication?

it will be difficult and more confusions and complications will occur...

What are the problems may arisre if different si units used?

I want to know bookscrap about problems that may arise when using the unit of measurement is not the same .

What wave characteristic has the unit hertz?

The unit hertz (Hz) is used to measure the frequency of a wave, which represents the number of cycles or oscillations of a wave that occur in one second.

What metric unit would you use for the liquid in a can of coke?

Did it occur to you to pick up a can of soda and look to see what units were used?Normally, the metric unit specified on cans is "ml".

What are some synonyms for the word accordance?

There are many synonyms which can be used for the word accordance. Some of these include conformity, harmony, unison, and agreement as well. Accord can also be used as a synonym.

What is the purpose of using scientific method in psychological experiments?

It is used to avoid common problems that occur in the absence of using the scientific method.

How are oz used in math?

Assuming that oz means ounces, then they are a unit of measurement (weight, unless you mean fluid ounces, then volume) and so they are used in practical, applied problems.

What is the unit hertz used to mesure?

The unit hertz is used to measure frequency, which represents the number of cycles of a periodic waveform that occur per second. It is commonly used to quantify the frequency of electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, light waves, and sound waves.