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Zero is the neutral element of addition - meaning that for any x, x + 0 = x (the number doesn't get changed when you add x).

For multiplication, 0 times x (0 times any number) is always zero.

You can't divide by zero - for example, x = 1/0 is the same as asking for "what number do you have to multiply with zero to get one". This has no solution. In general, dividing by zero in an algebraic proof, for example, can lead to erroneous results, so it should be carefully avoided.

Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except that zero to the power zero is undefined.

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The only arithmetic exception I can think of seeing has been caused by a division by zero statement. Trying to do integer division by 0 or mod 0 will result in this arithmetic exception. Note that floating point division by zero will result in "Infinity" being returned, and floating point modulus will result in "NaN" being returned.

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yes. A zero common difference represents a constant sequence.

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These are operations that Excel will not let you do. Some are not allowed through the rules of mathematics. A typical example is trying to divide something by zero. That is a mathematical impossibility, and so in Excel it is treated as an invalid operation.

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Yes but the progression would be a degenerate one.