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The rules are the same.

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Q: What are the rules for dividing rational numbers are the same as the rules for dividing integers?
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How are the rules for adding integers applied to operations with rational numbers?

You need the rules of multiplication as well as of addition. But multiplication of integers can be viewed as repeated addition. Thus, if p/q and r/s are two rational numbers then their sum is(p*s + q*r)/(q*s)

Why are the rules for multiplying and dividing rational numbers the same?

The question has no sensible answer because its proposition is not true. Multiplication is commutative, division is not, so the rules are NOT the same.

Dividing rules for 1-12?


What are the rules of dividing integers?

It will be the same as dividing positives but if it is a negetive divided by a postive the answer will still be negative

What is the adding integers and rational number rules?

The set of integers is closed under addition so that if x and y are integers, then x + y is an integer.Addition of integers is commutative, that is x + y = y + xAddition of integers is associative, that is (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) and so, without ambiguity, either can be written as x + y + z.The same three rules apply to addition of rational numbers.

What is Adding integers and rational number rules?

The set of integers is closed under addition so that if x and y are integers, then x + y is an integer.Addition of integers is commutative, that is x + y = y + xAddition of integers is associative, that is (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) and so, without ambiguity, either can be written as x + y + z.The same three rules apply to addition of rational numbers.

What are the rules for dividing regulars numbers?


Are the rules for multiplying and dividing signed integers different or the same?

The rules are not the same.Multiplication is commutative whereas division is not.Multiplication is associative whereas division is not.

Why are rules different for integers comppared to natural and whole numbers?

Since whole numbers are the same as integers, there are no different rules! The only way in which the rules for natural numbers is different is that the set does not contain the additional opposites of numbers (in other words, the set is not closed under subtraction).

What is the rules of integers in multiplication?

Integers are whole numbers. 1 3/4 is not a integer whereas 1 is.

What are the rules for division of integers?

Any integer can be divided by any non-zero integer, and the result is a rational number.

What is the algorithm for dividing integers?

Procedure: 1. Divide the integers like you always do. 2. Follow these rules: (Note:+ is a positive integer, - is a negative integer and * is the multiplication symbol) a.+*+=+ b.+*-=- c.-*+=- d.-*-=+ Follow these rules and you will have your answer in no time.